Macros 2012.03.13—2024.07.27

silverhook270724 Silver Hook Ballaghennie, Isle of Man
sixspotburnet200724 Six-spotted Burnet Point of Ayre NR, Isle of Man
lunarhornet250624s Lunar Hornet Clearwing Stodmarsh, Kent
6beltedclearwing240624s Six Belted Clearwing Dungeness, Kent
thriftclearwing080624 Thrift Clearwing Derbyhaven, Isle of Man
thriftclearwing080624b Thrift Clearwing Derbyhaven, Isle of Man
thriftclearwing080624d Thrift Clearwing Derbyhaven, Isle of Man
thriftclearwing080624c Thrift Clearwing Derbyhaven, Isle of Man
mothershipton250524 Mother Shipton POANR, Isle of Man
paletussock120524s Pale Tussock Bloxworth, Dorset
paletussock120524c Pale Tussock Bloxworth, Dorset
paletussock120524b Pale Tussock Bloxworth, Dorset
bufftip120524s Buff-tip Bloxworth, Dorset
bufftip120524 Buff-tip Bloxworth, Dorset
burnetcompanion110524 Burnet Companion Strawberry Banks, Somerset
emperormoth280424 Emperor Moth Dalby Mountain, Isle of Man
greatprominent310324s Great Prominent Cley, Norfolk
brindledbeauty300324 Brindled Beauty Cley, Norfolk
trueloversknot060723 True Lovers Knot Loch Ruthven, Scotland

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