Micros 2012.07.21—2023.06.26

borderedwhite260623 Bordered White Fersit, Scotland
smallpurplebarred290523 Small Purple-barred Kilabrega, Isle of Man
sanguinalis270523 Pyrausta Sanguinalis The Ayres, Isle of Man
bisignaprocerella170722 Bisigna Procerella Eastling, Kent
brownchinamark100722 Brown China Mark Ballaugh Plantation, Isle of Man
scarcegold280522 Scarce Crimson and Gold Ballaghennie, Isle of Man
smallpurplebarred270621 Small Purple Barred Tholt-y-Will, Isle of Man
sanguinalis05062021 Pyrausta Sanguinalis Ballaghennie, Isle of Man
purparalis280720 Pyrausta Purpuralis Smeale, Isle of Man
Scarcecrimson300520 Scarce Crimson and Gold Ballaghennie, Isle of Man
micromoth230619 Nemophora Degeerella Haugh Woods, Herefordshire
crescentplume200619 Crescent Plume Durlston CP, Dorset
mintmoth070519 Mint Moth Narborough, Norfolk
scgold100618 Pyrausta Sanguinalis The Ayres, Isle of Man
micro240518 Esperia Sulphurella Douglas, Isle of Man
nettletap170916 Nettle-tap Holme, Norfolk
sanguinalis140615b Scarce Crimson and Gold Ballaghennie, Isle of Man
sanguinalis140615 Scarce Crimson and Gold Ballaghennie, Isle of Man
sanguinalis150614 Scarce Crimson and Gold Ballaghennie, Isle of Man
scarcecrimsonandgold060713 Scarce Crimson and Gold The Ayres, Isle of Man

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