Bees 2010.06.12—2024.08.03

orangeleggedfurrowbee030824 Orange-legged Furrow Bee Stoney Mountain, Isle of MAn
treebumblebee300724 Tree Bumblebee Alners Gorse, Dorset
carderbee220624 Common Carder Bee Ripple, Worcestershire
willughbysleafcutterbee140624 Willughbys Leaf-cutter Bee Douglas, Isle of Man
commoncarderbee020624 Common Carder Bee Ballaugh Plantation, Isle of Man
commoncarderbee120524 Common Carder Bee Higher Hyde Heath, Dorset
marshamsnomadbee020524 Marsham's Nomad Bee Douglas, Isle of Man
redtailedbumblebee020424b Red-tailed Bumblebee Kelling, Norfolk
redtailedbumblebee020424 Red-tailed Bumblebee Kelling, Norfolk
bee200523 Furrow Bee Rosehill Quarry, Isle of Man
nomadbee060523b Nomad Bee Stoney Mountain, Isle of Man
bumblebee290423 Buff-tailed Bumblebee Ballaghennie, Isle of Man
bee210423 Buff-tailed Bumblebee Port Soderick, Isle of Man
bee290722 Bee Douglas, Isle of Man
bee110622 Furrow Bee Douglas, Isle of Man
bee040622 Bee Douglas, Isle of Man
honeybee200422 Honey Bee Douglas, Isle of Man
bee240619 Bee Douglas, Isle of Man
bee190611 Bee Douglas, Isle of Man
bee120610 Bee Braddan, Isle of Man

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